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Pregnancy and Pelvic Health

This 45 min virtual group class will review:

  • What is the Pelvic Floor
  • What is pelvic floor physical therapy
  • How can this help with pregnancy and after birth
  • What some red flags to look out for?
  • Time for questions at the end

Be on the look out for when this class is being offered! Or Email me at if you are interested in a private version of this class.

Mindfulness and your Pelvic Floor

This monthly 1 hour group virtual class will cover how to manage stress as moms in this everyday busy life.

Some topics will be:

  • self care
  • Breath work exercises
  • mindfulness techniques
  • stretching
  • body awareness
  • affirmations for motherhood
  • improving wellness and reducing stress
  • Navigating Motherhood transitions
  • Coping with anxiety and depression
  • Identity crisis
  • Sensory processing/feeling touched out/overstimulated

Pelvic Floor and Birth Preparation

This group virtual class will review how to prepare your body and mind for birth. This is the birth education you always needed. Straight to the point and not boring. Take aways that you will remember and can implement for your birth.

Topics will include:

  • Anatomy of your pelvic floor
  • Stages of labor and why this is important to know
  • movement and labor positions that are optimal for moving baby down and out
  • What to do when labor stalls
  • Eating during labor
  • pros and cons of possible medical procedures for informed decision making
  • how to labor with an epidural
  • how to recover well from a c section or vaginal birth
  • how to labor a home
  • signs of labor
  • How to push your baby out correctly with time to practice techniques during the class
  • how your partner can assist you with comfort techniques
  • affirmation examples
  • creating your birth plan and postpartum plan
  • and so much more!

This is a 90 mins class. Please take notes and handout with takeaways will be given to all attendees after the class is over.

Email for when these classes are being offered or if you would like a private version of the class!